Here you can read some reviews about my Es Vedra single released in june 2016. I got insipired by this magical place when I visited Ibiza earlier that year. Es Vedrà was also released on my chillout album ‘Tales From Atlantis‘.
Es Vedra: El canto de las sirenas…
Nuevo sencillo del compositor de música new age, Vincent Boot.
Así como el género y la tapa del sencillo lo anticipan, es un tema muy sereno, con sonidos de las olas rompiendo en la playa, algunas aves marinas cantando (debería ser el Halcón de Eleonor, pero la verdad mi oído no esta tan entrenado en esta área como para distinguirlo), mientras la melodía del piano de Vince nos relajan y casi sin percibirlo cerramos los ojos, despegándonos del mundo terrenal.
Así como Es Vedrà, es una isla deshabitada y solitaria, llena de mitología y magia (se dice que es el hogar de las sirenas que intentaron atraer a Ulises en la Odisea de Homero), el tema significativamente es un sencillo, corto y mágico.
Eso sí, es indispensable un disco entero o al menos un Ep con varias canciones, porque apenas empezamos a soltarnos ya nos hace volver a encontrarnos con la realidad, y esto en tan poco tiempo lo que genera es violencia, porque no terminamos de salir de un estado mental que ya nos caemos nuevamente en otro.
La magia está en el aire…
Es Vedra: FEEL the music
This one takes you right down to the water. You’ll be able to feel the nature surrounding you. You’ll be able to opt out of the world for three minutes.
Tonight isn’t about the usual beat and dance tune, guys. I stumbled upon a great piano track by Vincent Boot, a skilled composer and piano player from the Netherlands. He managed to accomplish with his track what happens to me not very often: he stopped the world for a couple of minutes, allowing me to just close my eyes and FEEL the music.
Okay, he helped a bit with nature sounds, in this case a mixture of waves reaching the shore on a sunny day, combined with chirping birds, winds, and everything else you’d expect from a scenery like that. But in my opinion this piano masterpiece would have worked it’s way into my brain without those effects as well. Supported by a very defensive synth soundscape, the piano is played smoothly and with exactly the right amount of presence throughout the whole song. I really like how skilled the track is mixed in a less-is-more-fashion.
Quite frankly, I cannot tell you anything about technique, or writing of a piano piece. But I do know this: when listenting to that kind of chillout music, I’m actually able to relax, and this has become rare lately. You should give it a try as well.
Boot created this track being inspired by the isle of Es Vedrà, located only a few hundred meters off the northern shore of Ibiza. Stunning what effect places like these have on the human mind. In this case, it was the starting point of beautiful music.
Vincent Boot has been around for quite some time in the music business, be it as a solo pianist or with singers, be it with creating chillout/soundtrack tracks or within other genres. His soundcloud account is stacked with examples of his work, and I strongly recommend to check out his works there as well, you won’t regret it.